December 22, 2013

Testing… 1,2,3… does this still work??

Wow, I can't believe July was my last post.

Life goes fast. Too fast. (though, admittedly, some days seem far too slow!)

Also, I take too many pictures, so it's overwhelming when I sit down to do a quick post. Apparently I've turned this into a photo-journal instead of a place to spew craft words.

Then there's the whole brain issue. I'm pretty sure it's completely mush now, which makes writing content a tad bit of a hazard. I'm a little embarrassed about this zero-brain activity, and that the highlight of my day is often something like seeing our two-year old master a new piece of playground equipment or the fact that our 8-month old ACTUALLY SWALLOWED SOMETHING OTHER THAN BREASTMILK... oops, sorry for the excitement there, but that's a big deal these days! It only took 8 months...

You can see why my husband is excited to get home at the end of his long work day... getting bombarded with big news like that!

Then I remember that my day (...evening and night) job is actually pretty important, and those big little details are all a part of raising two precious little people. And I'm positive my husband is excited at the end of the day to be greeted with a running two year old who gives "big hugs" and a wiggly smiley 8-month old who about squirms out of her skin in joy when she spots her Daddy.

It's worth the brain mush.

And that friends, is what I wrote three months ago…. when MJ was actually 8 months. NOW she's 11 months!

I can see this blogging thing is never going to happen if I try to cover all the months I've missed. So maybe I can sum it up in bullet form and then start fresh??

Summer 2013:
- We had a 45 minute visit with my Dad when he was in the area for a conference. 45 minutes is better than nothing!

- My dear friend CJ and her family were in the area visiting relatives and we got to spend almost a full day together. It was such precious time, and so fun to see our kids together. AJ and her 3rd boy are very close in age. Wish we lived MUCH closer.

- Jersey Girl and I went to the cottage for a couple days with just the kids. Though it got a little loud and crazy with four kids two and under (and we were missing our men), I think they had fun.  :)

- Grandpa and Grandma came for a two week visit AND met MJ for the first time! As per the pattern, they kept busy… drywall removal, drywall repair, tiling backsplash, painting outside trim, whitewashing a wall, yard work, and… some beach time and lots of play time with the kids. We love having them visit and the time always flies by!

- Papa, Nana and Uncle L came for a visit at the end of the summer… and brought a very special guest!
MY GRANDMOTHER!! So So So special to have her with us for over a week. Such a GIFT. x0x0x

Crazy day to be at the beach… Dad helping Grammie keep her ears warm ;)

While most of us froze in the wind -- my crazy mom and brother went swimming in the waves!

A July picture (photo creed to my friend CJ)

And that was our whirlwind summer… Next up, FALL! 

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