March 21, 2010


The Breaking Free bible study I'm working through  is having some impact... the author's definition of the captivity of a believer is this:  A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for her (or him). "Anything". That leaves a pretty wide scope... fear, unbelief, pride, impure thoughts, laziness, legalism... the list goes on and on and is tailored according to the person... sometimes we may not even be AWARE of what is in the way of us enjoying the fulfilling ABUNDANT life God intends for every believer. 

John 15:8 says:  "My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples." In John 10:10 Jesus says "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."  Abundant life. Life to the full. Does this characterize my Christian life? Can I joyfully say that I am living life to the full to the glory of God?? Am I experiencing that true liberating abundant Freedom that only Christ can bring?  Is there evidence? Does the world know that I am happily a disciple of Christ? Happily being the key word.

Questions to ponder. An abundant life doesn't come with a snap of the fingers... becoming a disciple of Christ doesn't happen overnight. I became a Child of God in a moment when I trusted Christ as my Saviour and know that I have peace for all eternity. That can not change. But while I"m still living in this world - God wants me to have a satisfying, abundant life in Him.  God longs for a relationship with me... longs for me to be a vessel in which He can reveal Himself to others... A true disciple is called to obedience. A surrendering of my own will... there WILL be a cost...  But a quote from Beth Moore on this topic spoke loudly to me:  

I should not be scared of what it will COST me, but I should be scared at what I will MISS .... by not laying everything down at the Lord's feet... surrendering to Him. To the One who gave everything for me. He wants more for me than I can ever imagine... that abundant life?? Freedom?? He WANTS that for me. And that life is what I will miss if I continue to hold onto my own will and live my luke-warm Christian life.  The choice is up to me.  And in your life... the choice is up to you.  "Choose you this day who you will serve."

1 comment:

  1. Hey - love this. So glad to find it. I have been thinking so much lately that it's not about me driving along, hoping I will listen to God and turn the right way at every intersection. It's really getting out of the front seat and letting him drive wherever he pleases, no questions asked. That's a bit harder. Love you, JR. Wish we saw you a lot more than we do.


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